原來同一星座還分三個 牡羊座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在3月 21日到3月31日 之間 這個階段的主宰行星是火星,個性非常專制;牡羊座的個性也非常明顯,常常不耐煩,容易惱火,很有侵略性、很獨立,偶爾有些小怪癖。你能夠加強的部分是不要有太獨斷的語言,太過獨斷的話會讓別人引起反感。你的想像力非常豐富,也很相信自己的直覺,這是你的特殊才能。但當直覺錯誤時,你會不願承認,這是要特別注意的喔!你在做決定的時候,常常會依靠感覺和直覺,因此平常要多吸收點資訊,這樣你的直覺才會更加準確。你的能力非常的強,但是有時會因為缺乏耐心而無法成功。
第二個階段是生日在4月1日 到 4月10日之間 這個階段主宰行星是太陽,代表榮譽還有光明,代表變化與改革。牡羊座本來就是好動的星座,加上太陽的力量,就可以加強好動性,但是又不會那麼專制。其實你是一個喜歡競爭的人,對一成不變或是反覆無聊的工作,一點都不會喜歡,因此你需要常常開發你的新點子和能力。愈能開發你的潛能,就愈能夠嶄露頭角。你有迅速的情報收集能力,這一點跟雙子座有點類似;因此,走在時代尖端的工作最適合此階段出生的牡羊座喔!
第三個階段是生日在4月 11日到4月20日 之間 主宰是木星,也就是說此階段的人是牡羊座中最有同情心和道德心的一群。你算是比較有禮貌的,不像其他牡羊座一樣橫衝直撞,而且內心比較纖細敏感,較有藝術才能。要協調你內心的衝突矛盾,因為你常常會做出一些衝動的事情,過後才後悔不已,然後又覺得自己不該這樣做,而深深後悔。你是一個非常善良的人,要懂得如何調適,讓心裡敏感的一面軟化衝動的個性,你就可以成為一個成功的人唷!
金牛座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在4月 21日到4月30日 之間 這個階段的金牛座是最樂於幫助他人的金牛座。個人行星是金星,代表愛與美,你對於愛情相當執著,對於身邊的人也抱持同情心,因此你滿擅長做義工或是從事一些服務的行業。對你來講,如果可以同時運用你的藝術鑑賞能力又可以賺錢,真是一舉多得的事。而你也需要常常跟人家溝通內心的感覺,你很會從別人身上吸取經驗,這個階段出生的金牛座所具有的特質。
第二個階段是生日在5月 1日到5月10日 之間 個人行星是水星,代表知識,因此這個階段的金牛座比較會表達自己,可以很清楚地將自己所要的、所想的表達出來。唯一要克服的是常因臉皮薄的問題,有時候即使你知道怎麼說、怎麼表達,但是臉皮太薄而作罷,並且害怕失敗。善用你的口才,對你的事業或各方面、人際關係都能如虎添翼。
第三個階段的金牛座是 5月11日到5月19之間 個人行星是土星,你是比較沉穩的金牛座,也是最有耐心、最體貼、最貼心,但也最保守的金牛座。旺盛的精力是你的特質,不管做什麼事情你總是能夠孜孜不倦地努力;別人看你好像沒有什麼 power,但是你就像小火車一樣,不斷地跑,跑了很久也不會喊累,耐力是你成功最大的武器。
雙子座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在5月 20到5月31日 之間 個人主宰星是水星,你的反應超級快,別人說話說到一半時,你已經知道他的重點在哪裡,而且迫不及待替對方下結論。你也常常覺得別人慢吞吞地沒有效率,因為你一個人就可以做三個人的事,而且早就知道該如何做了。建議你多用自己良好的表達能力來幫助你的工作,但你感性豐富的一面很容易影響你對事情的判斷力,要小心。
第二個階段是生日在6月 1日到6月10日 之間 個人主宰星是金星,雖然你常常說者無心,但是還是常會不小心傷害了別人。你的心腸很好,但卻習慣用理性的態度來解析事情,也因此有時別人會覺得你很冷血。建議你多運用你的幽默感來化解這個缺點,將會使你變成一個人見人愛的雙子喔!
第三個階段是生日在6月 11到6月21日 之間 個人主宰星是土星,心情不好時你就會像一堆爛泥一樣,什麼事都不想做,還有放下一切的打算,所以你要小心自己情緒上的控制。基本上你是樂觀的,只要不讓情緒主宰了你,你的創意將會為你帶來大筆財富。 巨蟹座的三個階段
巨蟹座三個階段 第一個階段是生日在6月 22日到6月30日 之間 這個階段個人的行星是月亮,所以會特別的敏感,是巨蟹座當中最敏感的一群。你的模仿能力或是藝術天分都非常的優異,只不過現在的社會太講求效率了,你敏感的特質會因為講求效率或者是時間的壓迫而被抹煞,因此這個階段出生的巨蟹座要好好調適自己的神經系統,懂得放鬆自己才是。
第二個階段是生日在7月 1日到7月11日 之間 個人的行星是火星,火星通常代表戰鬥力,雖然你的主宰星、主要守護星是月亮,但是加上火星的影響使你更有決斷力,而你對於許多厭煩的事情也會表現出很強烈的不耐煩,並不像其他的巨蟹座具有那麼多的包容能力。不過這個時段出生的巨蟹座倒是相當多才多藝,口才也不錯,可以用自己的口才來強化自己工作上的表現。
第三個階段是生日在7月12日 到 7月22日之間 你個人的行星是木星和海王星同時衝突著,木星代表好運,而海王星象徵的是一種精神層面,因此常常都會有莫名其妙的好運。因為重視心靈的層面,你的伴侶一定也要很重視心靈。你買到的東西一定要物美價廉外,還要兼有藝術品味,而不會是只因為便宜就買,這段時間的巨蟹座對於實用和藝術價值都要兼具,因此有點小小的挑剔傾向喔!
獅子座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在7月 23日到7月31日 之間 這個階段出生的獅子座個性比較溫和,沒那麼強硬,但還是有一種好動的傾向。你滿具有藝術天分的,對於觀察人世間的事情非常敏銳,是具有哲學性格而且也善於做心理分析的獅子座。最重要的是這個階段出生的獅子座,常常會因為在做出決定之後,感到後悔。對你而言,要在當下就能做出很棒的決定,必須先收集一些資料,才是最重要也最需要的。
第二個階段是生日在8月 1日到8月11日 之間 這個階段的你,會擁有明顯的獅子座個性,不但自信十足、自信滿滿,主觀性也稍微強了一點。有的時候會不自覺去壓倒別人,或是展現出強勢的作風,不過對於朋切Wh是兩肋插刀,而且講義氣得不得了。當你的愛人、朋友是幸福的,只要偶爾能忍受你不小心突來的脾氣。你的耐心非常缺乏,所以你身邊的人都要多一點耐心才行。
第三個階段是生日在8月 12日到8月22日 之間 這個階段的獅子座有一點點處女座的個性,因此在處理事情方面多了一些分析檢討的能力,事後也會自己在家裡悶著頭想失敗的原因。不過常常想到一半就覺得太煩了、覺得頭好大喔!然後就不去想了。因此,貫徹始終,善用分析能力,是這個階段的獅子座成功的關鍵。對於他人稍有 ? P情心,因此可以注意到四周旁人的感受,是個比較溫和、謹慎的獅子座。
處女座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在8月 23日到8月31日 之間 在這個階段出生的處女座,做事情會稍稍有點霸氣,而且過於主觀,這是你要小心的地方。不過比較好的是,這個階段出生的處女座決斷力比較強,少了猶豫不決的特質,再搭配原來善於分析的個性,會讓你在做事情之前想得很清楚,做事情之後比較放得開,這是相當可喜的現象。
第二個階段是生日在9月 1日到9月11日 之間 這段期間出生的處女座,個人行星是土星。你非常有耐心,非常體貼,而且非常節儉。不過這並不代表你是一個鐵公雞喔!而是你認為錢是要花在該花的地方。你並不需要別人的督促或是指導,就會自己朝自己的目標前進。再複雜的事情在你抽絲剝繭之下也會變得很簡單,你需要加強的就是合夥的關係,不過除了要和你的夥伴處得很好之外,也不要讓他養成依賴你的習慣。
第三個階段是生日在9月 12日到9月22日 之間 你的個人行星是金星,因此你會比其他處女座更具備敏感的特質。你很不喜歡破壞人與人之間的關係,因此有時候會抱著不想破壞友誼、乾脆自己來處理的態度,因此久而久之自己會背負過多的責任。因為你的情緒非常敏感,因此常常會覺得受傷害;但是沒有關係,不妨運用你的敏感性來增加其他方面才能。例如你可以將這份敏感性投注到寫作或是藝術上的創作,一定會有不錯的表現;以免自己對於某些事想破了頭、鑽牛角尖一直鑽不出來,而別人卻在無心之中感覺傷害了你,不是很划不來嗎? 天秤座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在9月 23到9月30日 之間 個人主宰星是金星,你有時會忍不住在心中挑剔一些人,但是表面上你還是會和他們維持良好圓融的關係,但是要提醒你,有時候你會因太過於想要面面俱到,而使自己陷入兩難的局面,若是結局不開心,你還會責怪自己。問題是你不可能討好每一個人,這點你一定要清楚認知才行。
第二個階段是生日在10月 1日到10月11日 之間 個人主宰星是土星,你是一個十分在意形象的人,所以雖然你也有很多私人情感和情緒,你卻不願意在人前輕易表露。就算在心愛的人面前,你也會因為不想讓他擔心,或是累了一天懶得說,而保持沉默,只想讓情緒自己沉澱。建議你多和知心好友聊聊,吐吐苦水罵一罵。相信我,你的動力和活力將會更多,所以不管是什麼事,盡量不要太過拚命喔!
第三個階段是生日在10月 12日到10月22日 之間 個人主宰星是天王星,你常太過於委屈自己,而忽略了自己的想法,所以每隔一陣子你就會覺得很受傷,但是卻又讓這種狀況繼續下去。你要學習拒絕的能力,並且了解到人和人之間的相處,光靠你單方面的忍耐是沒有用的,只會讓對方更吃定你而已。
天蠍座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在10月 23日到10月31日 之間 主宰行星跟個人行星都是火星,也就是有雙重行動力的意思。因為火星就是掌管戰鬥或行動力,因此這背後所代表的負面意思就是,你會非常的專制和主觀。說好聽一點,做事會很獨立、很有果決力,但說不好聽有點獨斷獨行。有時主觀性太強硬,會聽不進別人所說的話。事業方面很有成就,在感情方面則要抱持柔軟的態度,個性不要太強硬會比較好。
第二個階段是生日在11月 1日到11月11日 之間 這段期間主宰的行星分別是木星和海王星。海王星通常掌管一種比較深處的靈性,但是木星則掌管一種幸福。一個代表物質、一個代表精神,因此你的個性非常善變,常常會跟內心有不同的對話。如果你當醫生的話比較擅長的就是精神科醫生,如果是建築事業的話就是建築設計,也就是說你擅長分析和解析,這是你在這方面專有的特質。
第三個階段是生日在11月 12日到11月21日 之間 個人行星是月亮,月亮代表了喜好幻想、夢想以及母性的愛。因此你是一個比較柔軟性的天蠍座,天蠍座本來就滿喜歡照顧他人,尤其對喜歡的人。對於愛人的照顧真的是無微不至,會讓另一半覺得很溫暖、很窩心。但是如果遇到不好的伴侶,他可能就會嫌你嘮叨了。
射手座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在11月 22日到11月30日 之間 主宰星跟個人行星是木星,因此你是特別具有正義感、同情心的射手座。對愛人非常忠誠,而且非常誠實,你在工作上也是這樣子,因此會受到老闆的賞識。朋友都認為你是一個值得信賴的人,而對於人際相處有著強烈的好奇心,對朋友真誠關心,這些都是很好的優點,要好好運用,可以讓你的人生更加成功。只是你有時候對於事物的專注力沒辦法持久,這是需要改進的地方。
第二階段是生日在12月 1日到12月11日 之間 這個階段的個人行星是火星,所以這一階段出生的射手座帶著積極、冒險、野心勃勃的特質。你喜好變化,但在一開始你雖然會感到快樂,後來就又會覺得空虛。就算賺大錢,內心也會感到寂寞,因此充實心靈相當重要。這一個階段出生的人跟國外的來往會特別有緣分,熟練外語,拓展你的國際觀,對你來講是很重要的。但是你比較缺乏行政才能,因此你要找尋能協助你的助手,才能讓事業更上一層樓。
第三階段是生日在12月 12日到12月21日 之間 你的個人行星是太陽,因此特別重視自己尊嚴、重視自尊,也是最好面子的射手座。平常別人可以開開你的玩笑,但是被惹毛,你就會反唇相稽。你很喜歡鬥嘴,怎麼講都是你對,即使別人覺得你是在講歪理,但是你自有自己的一套邏輯。你相當崇尚自由,就算可以為自己喜歡的事業、為自己喜歡的愛人忍耐或努力,但是一旦他們干涉你的自由,妨礙你的事情,你就無法容忍。你是具有責任感的人,非常有耐心,對於工作態度也很認真,是一個具有領導能力,也具有野心特質的射手座。
魔羯座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在12月 22日到12月31日 之間 這個階段的個人行星是土星,這個階段的人是最難交到朋友的魔羯座喔!魔羯座的你如果有朋友的話,請好好珍惜對方,將他視為你一生忠誠的朋友。對魔羯座來講土星就是象徵恆久的世界,也象徵一種穩定性,因此這個階段的魔羯座比一般階段出生的魔羯座更加穩定和早熟。從小到大,大家都認為你有點小奇怪,不過你對自己的抱負和未來要做的事情倒是非常的明確。而這一階段的魔羯座對機械方面和數理方面都有特殊的才能,但是不管如何你一定都會想盡辦法把大目標切割成中目標,再切割成每日的小目標去實踐,是一個最有恆心毅力的魔羯星座。
第二個階段是生日在1月 1日到1月10日 之間 個人的行星就是金星,你就是魔羯座中人情比較溫暖、生活比較充滿歡笑、個性比較可愛的一個了,因此你比較不像其他的魔羯座那麼現實,偶爾也會講求一下藝術,欣賞音樂。金星主宰感情,因此你是最有人情味的魔羯座。就算有時候你也很想板起面孔,很現實地和朋友計較一些事情,不過最後還是會被感情影響。也許你會認為這是你的一大缺點,但是這一點其實增加了你個性的柔軟面,倒是一個滿好的優點喔!
第三個階段是生日在1月 11日到1月19日 之間 個人行星是水星,屬於腦筋比較清醒的魔羯座。因為水星控制腦部還有主管人類的神經系統,也主宰了表達能力,因此你是所有魔羯座裡面表達能力最強的,並且也是比較懂得變通,並不是那麼死硬的。你和其他魔羯座不同的是你具有強烈的正義感,一般而言魔羯座都比較顧自己的事情,但是你卻有莫名的責任心,這一點和射手座有點相近。你最特殊的地方就是學習能力,因為水星也主管外語能力。如果你有興趣朝國外發展的話,對於外語能力的掌握,以及國外發展的運氣將會比別人更好。因此你不妨多充實一下這方向的才能,多下一點功夫,相信可以使你在你的專業領域上面發揮更大的才能。
水瓶座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在1月 21日到1月31日 之間 這個階段的主宰行星是天王星,代表的是一種精神上的強烈力量,所以加上你水瓶座的特質,這個階段出生的你將會特別具有一種靈性的氣質。而且不管是在宗教或是神祕學方面你都特別具有領悟力。若是要當算命仙,嘿嘿!你可是相當合適。不管你的志向是什麼,這個階段的人都一定會用一種特殊的方式去完成。好比也許大家都一窩蜂去英美讀書,你就會特別想去希臘或羅馬,大家都念法律或政治,你就會想唸些特別的科目。善加利用你的靈性特質,你天生具有洞察別人內心的本領喔!
第二個階段是生日在2月1日 到 2月9日之間 這個階段的主宰行星是水星,主要控制我們的神經系統。也因此你的感覺或觸覺、嗅覺都會比一般人更加敏銳。你具有非常棒的觀察力以及很好的口才,如果加上你獨特的思考方式,一定常有很多人被你唬得一愣一愣的吧!舉凡所有和知識有關的工作都非常適合你。你不但會快速吸收,而且還會「舉一反八」呢!但是你的耐心稍微缺少了一些,請多多留意。
第三個階段是生日在2月10日 到 2月18日之間 你的主宰星是金星,你的直覺力和第六感簡直太神奇了,但是你若沒有好好加以運用,它反而會成為你的阻力。你和一般人有不同的觀點,這樣並不是不好,但是若完全不聽別人的意見,還認為他們都很膚淺,那就很容易因此嚐到挫敗的滋味。「人生有夢」這句話的重點在於築夢踏實。多多平衡夢想和現實,是你人生中最重要的課題。
雙魚座的三個階段 第一個階段是生日在2月 19日到2月29日之間 這段期間的主宰星是海王星,屬於精神層面,主宰藝術方面的才能。因此你的藝術才能是所有雙魚座裡面最突出的,但是你的雙重人格也最明顯。你的思想非常新潮,但是有時候卻不敢提出自己的意見,這方面你要加強。你的藝術天分再加上你的獨特思考法,若好好在職場上應用,一定可以創造屬於你的光明前程。因此你選擇的行業一定要是可以接受新觀念的,並且可以讓你的才能有所發揮,太保守的公司或是會打壓你的老闆都不適合你喔
第二個階段是生日在3月 1日到3月10日 之間 你的行星是月亮,月亮主宰晚上,也主宰了愛家庭的人。這一階段的雙魚座最愛家,你有時候會心情不好,而且喜歡幻想,不過對於家庭會有實質的付出。這個階段的雙魚座,特別容易受到外界、情境的影響,因此當你心情好時,你會覺得人生充滿希望,會想幫助別人,再加上強烈、豐富的感受性,很容易就可以知道別人為何心情不好!但是意志薄弱的時候,你甚至會有小小的自殺傾向,因此最好要善用這個敏感的能量,在宗教界或是服務業就可以走出屬於你自己的一條路。
第三個階段是生日在3月11日 到 3月20日之間 個人的行星是火星,火星代表了戰鬥力跟行動力,所以你是雙魚座裡面最有行動力的,真是恭喜你了!而且你做事情喜歡速戰速決,算是滿積極敏感的,只不過有一點點虎頭蛇尾喔!你不太適合當老闆,獨立創造事業,因為你很容易將責任攬在自己身上,因此給別人雇用反而是比較好的方式。在這一段期間出生的雙魚座,藝術天分和敏感度皆滿高的,但是我是建議你,還是多多運用你旺盛的活動力,另外再加強你的人際關係,將會使你的人生走得更加順利。
Had the same constellation of Aries is also the three stages of three first stage is the birthday on March 21 to March 31 this stage between the Ruler is Mars, a very authoritarian personality; Aries personality is also veryobvious, often impatient, easily annoyed, very aggressive, very independent, and occasionally some small quirks. You can strengthen the part of the language not to have too arbitrary, too dictatorial, then let others Yinqifangan. Your imagination is very rich, and very trust your instincts, this is your special talent. But intuition wrong, you will not want to admit, this is to pay special attention to the Oh! When you make a decision, often rely on feeling and intuition, it usually points to more than absorb the information, so your intuition will be more accurate. Your ability is very strong, but sometimes because of lack of patience can not succeed.
The second stage is the birthday on April 1 to April 10 this stage between the Ruler of the sun, there is a bright representative of honor, on behalf of change and reform. Aries constellation has always been a good move, coupled with the power of the sun, can strengthen the good mobility, but it is not so authoritarian. In fact, like you are a competitive person, on the static or repetitive boring job, not at all like it, so you need to always develop your new ideas and skills. More able to develop your potential, the more able to emerge. You have ability to quickly collect intelligence, which is somewhat similar with the Gemini; Therefore, the work ahead of its time at this stage the most suitable born Aries Oh!
The third stage is the birthday on April 11 to April 20 between the master of the planet Jupiter, which means that people are Aries this stage the most compassionate and conscience of the group. You be more polite, unlike other Aries, like rampage, and the relatively thin inner sensitive, more artistic talent. To harmonize your inner conflicts that, because you often make impulsive things, and then came to regret it, and then feel guilt for doing it, and deeply regret it. You are a very kind person, to know how to adjust, so that the sensitive side of the heart, the impulse to soften the personality, you can become a successful man yo!
Taurus first stage of the three stages of a birthday in April 21 to April 30 of this phase between the Taurus is the most willing to help others in the Taurus. Personal planet is Venus, love and beauty, that you love very persistent, for people who hold compassion around, so you are full of good, or engage in volunteer service in the industry. Speaking to you, if you can use your ability to appreciate the art they can make money, really do serve multiple purposes. And you also need to communicate with others is often the feeling inside, you are lessons learned from other people, were born at this stage has the characteristics of the Taurus.
The second stage is the birthday on May 1 to May 10 between the personal planets are Mercury, representing knowledge, so this phase of the Taurus more likely to express themselves, can clearly want to own, the thought expressed . The only overcome the problem is often due to thin-skinned, sometimes even if you know how to say, how to express, but gave up too thin skinned, and the fear of failure. Use your eloquence, and for your business or all aspects of human relations can be even more powerful.
The third stage of the Taurus is May 11 to May 19 between the personal planets are Saturn, your Taurus is more sedate, but also the most patient, most thoughtful, most intimate, but also the most conservative Taurus. The energy of your character, you can always do anything no matter tireless efforts; others see you as no power, but you just like the little train, continue to run, run for a long time will not be tired, endurance the success of your biggest weapon.
Gemini is the first phase of three phases birthday in May 20 到 31 May between the individual ruler is Mercury, your super fast response, said half the people talk, you know where his priorities, and can not wait for the other conclusions. You often feel that others are slowly inefficient, because you can do one of three things, and always know how to do a.Recommend that you use your good communication skills to help your work, but your emotional side is very easy for the rich affect your sense of things, be careful.
The second stage is the birthday on June 1 to June 10 is between the individual ruler, Venus, though you often said to be poorly motivated, but still often accidentally hurt someone else. Your heart good, but used a rational attitude to resolve the matter, and therefore sometimes people will think you are cold-blooded. Recommend that you use your sense of humor to resolve this shortcoming, it will make you into a cute twin Oh!
The third stage is the birthday on June 11 到 June 21 individuals between the ruler is Saturn, a bad mood as you would like a pile of mud, do not want to do anything, there are all going down, so You have to be careful their emotional control. Basically, you are optimistic, as long as you let emotions dominate, your creativity will bring you a fortune. Cancer of the three phases
Cancer is the first phase of three phases birthday in June 22 to June 30 this stage between the personal planets are the moon, it will be particularly sensitive, is the most sensitive group of Cancer. Your ability to imitate or artistic talent are very excellent, but now too much emphasis on the social efficiency, and your sensitive nature of efficiency or because of time pressure and to kill, so this stage should be a good adaptation born Cancer their nervous system, know how to relax is.
The second stage is the birthday on July 1 to July 11 individuals between the planets Mars, Mars usually represent the fighting, while your ruling planet, mainly ruled by the moon, but the combined influence of Mars to make you more a determination, and you will be for many boring things to show strong impatient, not as with so many other inclusive Cancer capacity. But this time is a fairly versatile Cancer born, eloquence is not bad, you can use his eloquence to strengthen their job performance.
The third stage is the birthday on July 12 to July 22 is between your personal planets Jupiter and Neptune also conflict with, Jupiter, good fortune, while Neptune is a symbol of the spirit level, so often there will be inexplicable luck . Because the emphasis on the soul level, your partner must also attach great importance to the mind. You have to buy something inexpensive, but also both artistic taste, and not only because of cheap to buy, this time for the Cancer to be both practical and artistic value, so a little bit picky tendency Oh!
Leo, the first stage of the three stages of a birthday in July 23 to July 31 were born at this stage between the Leo personality mild, not so tough, but still there is a tendency to hyperactivity. You are full of artistic talent, for the observation of very sharp things on earth, is a philosophical character, but also good at doing psychoanalysis Leo. The most important thing is born in Leo at this stage, often because of the decision after regret. For you, great to be in the moment can make a decision, you must first collect some data, is the most important and most in need.
The second stage is the birthday on August 1 to August 11 this stage between you and Leo will have a clear personality, not only full confidence, confident, a little too strong a bit subjective. Sometimes people will unconsciously to overwhelm, or show a strong style, but for friends Wh is cut through anything, but incredibly sense of obligation. When your spouse, friend is happy, as long as you are not careful can endure the occasional sudden temper. Your patience is very lacking, so the people around you to be a little more patience.
The third stage is the birthday on August 12 to August 22 of this phase between the Leo Virgo a little personality, so much in terms of dealing with it the ability to review some analysis, and afterwards will own at home bored his head to failure. But too often thought of half felt tired, I feel the first was so strong! Then do not think the. Therefore, consistent, make good use of analytical skills, is the stage of Leo success. For others, a little? P love heart, it can be noticed around the feelings of others, is a more moderate, cautious Leo.
Virgo is the first stage of the three stages of birth in the August 23 to August 31 were born at this stage between the Virgo, will do things a little bit domineering and too subjective, this is the place you want to be careful.But better is that this phase of Virgo born relatively strong determination, the characteristics of less hesitant, and then with the original analytical personality, will make you want to do something very clear before, let do things and compare was opened, which is quite encouraging.
The second stage is the birthday on September 1 to September 11 were born during the period between the Virgo, personal planet is Saturn. You are very patient, very considerate, and very thrifty. However, this does not mean you are a stingy Oh! But you think that money is spent on the place of the flowers. You do not need supervision or guidance of others, will have their own progress toward their goals. More complex things will become under your careful look very simple, you need to strengthen the relationship is a partnership, but in addition to, and your partner get along well, the trust will not develop depend on your habits.
The third stage is the birthday on September 12 to September 22 is between your personal planets Venus, so you better equipped than the other Virgo sensitive characteristics. You do not like to destroy the relationship between people, so sometimes do not want to damage the friendship hold, simply to deal with the attitude of their own, so over time they will carry too much responsibility. Because your emotions are very sensitive, they often feel hurt; but there is no relationship, you may wish to use to increase the sensitivity to other areas. For example, you can bet that the sensitivity of the creative writing or art, there will be a good performance; to avoid certain things like his broken head, into a dead end has not come out drilling, while others feel they inadvertently damage theyou, is not it does not pay it? Libra is the first phase of three phases in the September 23 birthday 到 September 30 individuals between the ruler is Venus, you sometimes can not help but find fault in the hearts of some people, but you still will surface and they remain good harmony in the relationship, but to remind you that sometimes you want to cover everything because of too, leaving themselves in a dilemma, if not happy endings, you will blame yourself. The problem is you can not please everyone, this is you have to know understanding Caixing.
The second stage is the birthday on Oct. 1 to Oct. 11 individuals between the ruler is Saturn, you are very concerned about the image of a person, so although you may also have a lot of personal feelings and emotions, but you do not want to be easily in front of others show. Even in the face of a loved one, you will not want him to worry about, or hard day too lazy to say, but remain silent, just want to make their own emotions precipitate.And close friends suggest that you talk to, complain spit a curse curse.Trust me, you will have more power and vitality, so no matter what happens, try not to be too hard Oh!
The third stage is the birthday on Oct. 12 to Oct. 22 individuals between the ruler is Uranus, you often too wronged themselves, while ignoring their own ideas, so every now and again you will feel very hurt, However, this situation but to continue. You refuse to learn the ability and understanding between the people and get along with your unilateral patient alone is of no use, will only make the other side just to get you to eat more.
Scorpio is the first phase of three phases in the Oct. 23 birthday to October 31 with the personal planets are between the Ruler of Mars, that is, the meaning of a double mobility. Because Mars is in charge of fighting or action, and so this represents a negative meaning behind it is that you will be very authoritarian and subjective. Said nicely, things will be very independent, very decisive force, but say nice bit arbitrary. Subjectivity sometimes too tough, will not listen to the words of others. The cause of great achievements, will have to hold a soft emotional attitude, personality would be better not to be too tough.
The second stage is the birthday on November 1 to November 11 during the period between the master of the planet Jupiter and Neptune, respectively. Neptune is usually in charge of a relatively deep spirituality, but Jupiter is in charge of a blessing. A representative material, a representative of the spirit, so your personality is very fickle, often have a different dialogue with the heart. If you know more when the doctor, is a psychiatrist, if the construction is the architectural design business, then, that you are good at analysis and resolution, this is your character in this exclusive.
The third stage is the birthday on November 12 to November 21 is the moon between the personal planets, the moon represents the preferences of fantasies, dreams, and maternal love. So you are a more flexible nature of Scorpio, Scorpio would have liked to take care of others, particularly like. Really care for love in every possible way, the other half will feel very warm, very sweet. But if you encounter a bad partner, he may be too you talk to me.
Sagittarius is the first stage of three stages in the November 22 birthday to November 30 with the individual between the ruler is the planet Jupiter, so you are special sense of justice, compassion, Sagittarius. The lovers are very loyal and very honest, your work is like this, it will be appreciated by the boss. Friends think you are a trustworthy person, and for personal relationships have a strong curiosity, a friend sincere concern, these are good advantages to good use, you can make your life more successful.Sometimes the only things you can not sustained attention, which is required for improvement.
The second stage is the birthday on December 1 to December 11 of this phase between the personal planets are Mars, so this stage Sagittarius born with a positive, adventurous, ambitious character. Change your preferences, but in the beginning though you will feel happy, and later on would feel empty. Even if the big money, the heart will feel lonely, and so enrich the soul Xiangdangchongyao. This is a stage with people who were born and from abroad will be particularly the fate of skilled foreign language, expand your international outlook, speaking to you is very important. But you compare the lack of administrative skills, so you're looking to help your assistant to your career.
The third stage is the birthday on December 12 to December 21 of your personal planets between the sun, so special attention to their dignity, attention to self-esteem, is the best face of Sagittarius. Open your normal people can joke, but was getting mad, you will lip-phase anti-JI. You like tiff, how are you say, even if others think you are talking about crooked, but you own your own set of logic. Considerable respect for your freedom, even for their favorite cause, like the love for their patience or effort, but once they interfere with your freedom, things that hinder you, you will not be tolerated. Are you a responsible, very patient, very serious attitude to work, is a leadership, also has ambitious nature of Sagittarius.
Capricorn is the first phase of three phases birthday in December 22 to December 31 of this phase between the personal planets are Saturn, who at this stage is the most difficult to make friends of Capricorn Oh!Capricorn If you have friends, please cherish each other, to him as a loyal friend of your life. Saturn is the symbol of Capricorn in terms of long-lasting world, but also a symbol of stability, so this phase of the Capricorn Capricorn born than the general stages of a more stable and mature. From small to large, we all think you are a little strange, but your vision and the future of their own to do would be very clear. And this phase of the Capricorn and mathematical aspects of the machinery has a special talent, but regardless of how you will surely find ways to cut the target goals, and then cut into small target to practice daily, is a the most persistence of the constellation Capricorn.
The second stage is the birthday on January 1 to January 10 is between the people of the planet Venus, is Capricorn in your favor warmer, life is more full of laughter, a more lovely personality, so you are less Capricorn then like other reality occasionally stress about art, music. Venus rules love, so you are the most human of Capricorn. Even if sometimes you'd like to Banqimiankong, very realistic and friends care about some things, but eventually the feelings will be affected. You might think this is a major drawback you, but in fact it increased the soft side of your personality, it touches on a pretty nice advantage of Oh!
The third stage is the birthday on Jan. 11 to Jan. 19 between the personal planets are Mercury, Capricorn is quite a clear brain. Mercury control of the brain as well as head of the human nervous system, also dominates the expression, so you are inside the ability to express the strongest of all Capricorn, and is relatively flexible to understand, not so hardcore.Capricorn you and the other difference is that you have a strong sense of justice, in general Capricorn are more to your own things, but you there are inexplicable sense of responsibility, and Sagittarius This is quite similar.Your most special place is the ability to learn, because Mercury also in charge of foreign language skills. If you are interested in the development of the DPRK foreign words, for the mastery of foreign languages, as well as the overseas development of the luck will be better than others. So you may wish to look in this direction can be enriched, a little more effort the next, I believe you can make the above in your area of expertise to play a greater talent.
Aquarius is the first phase of three phases birthday in January 21 to January 31 this stage between the Ruler is Uranus, represents a strong spiritual power, so with you the characteristics of Aquarius, born at this stage you will have a special spiritual temperament. And whether in religious or occult aspects of a particularly perceptive you are. If want to be a astrologer, hey! You're quite right. No matter what your ambition is, at this stage people will be in a special way to completion. Like maybe we all rush to the Anglo-American school, you will especially want to go to Greece or Rome, we are studying law or politics, you will miss some special subjects. Make good use of your spiritual nature, your natural ability with insight into other people inside Oh!
The second stage is the birthday on Feb. 1 to Feb. 9 at this stage between the Ruler is Mercury, the main control our nervous system.Therefore you feel or touch, smell will be more sensitive than the average person. You have great insight and eloquence well, if coupled with your unique way of thinking, often a lot of people will be surprised a moment you Really had me surprised a moment of it! Jufan all the work and knowledge are very suitable for you. You will not only rapidly absorbed, but will also "give an Anti-eight" it! But your patience is a little lack of a number, to a lot of attention.
The third stage is the birthday on Feb. 10 to Feb. 18 between your ruling planet is Venus, your intuition and sixth sense is simply amazing, but if you do not make good use of it but will be your resistance. You and most people have a different point of view, this is not bad, but if the total does not listen to the views of others, but also that they are superficial, so it is easy to taste the taste of defeat. "Life is a Dream," this sentence is the focus of their dreams into reality. Balance a lot of dreams and reality, is your most important issue in life.
Pisces is the first phase of three phases in the Feb. 19 birthday to February 29 during the period between the ruling planet is Neptune, belonging to the spiritual level, to master the art. So all of your artistic ability is the most prominent inside Pisces, but your double personality most obvious. Your thinking is very trendy, but sometimes did not dare voice their opinions, you have to strengthen this area. Your artistic talent combined with your unique thinking method, if applied properly in the workplace, will be able to create your own bright future. So you must be a choice of industry can accept new ideas, and allows you to have to play, too conservative to suppress your company or boss will not for you Oh
The second stage is the birthday on March 1 to March 10 of your planet is between the moon, the moon dominates the evening, also dominates the love of family. Pisces love this stage of the home, you sometimes feel bad, and like fantasy, but there will be substantial for the family to pay.Pisces this stage, are particularly vulnerable to the outside world, the impact of context, so when you feel good, you will feel life is full of hope, and want to help others, coupled with strong, rich sensitivity, it is easy to feel to know someone Weihe bad! But the weak, you may even be a little suicidal, it is best to make good use of this sensitive energy, in religious or service to be out of your own road.
The third stage is the birthday on March 11 to March 20 the individual between the planets Mars, Mars is the fighting force with the action, so there you are Pisces the most actionable, Congratulations to you! And you do things like a quick fix, be a positive full-sensitive, but a little anticlimactic Oh! You are not fit to be a boss, to create an independent business, because you're likely taking on himself the responsibility, so instead of hiring someone else is a better way. During this period born Pisces, full of artistic talent and sensitivity are high, but I suggest you use your strong or a lot of activity, also further strengthen your relationships, your life will gomore smoothly.